Accessing Administration

Administration can be accessed by Site Administrators and User Administrators by clicking Administration in the User Menu.

Depending on your administration privileges, the Home view differs slightly.

User Administrators have access to the following administration views:

  • Home

  • Users

  • User Groups

Site Administrators have access to the following administration views:

  • Home

  • Setup Wizard

  • Users

  • User Groups

  • Libraries

  • Password Policies

  • Link Password Policy

  • API Tokens

  • API Documentation

  • Single Sign-On

  • Details

  • Branding

  • Created Links

  • Reports

Additionally, while in the Home view, Site Administrators can view the following information about the ShareBase deployment:

  • Total number of deployment Users

  • Total number of Libraries Created

  • Total number of Documents Created

  • Total number of Document Views

  • Amount of Storage Used in the ShareBase deployment

Switch between views by clicking the desired view from the Home screen or from the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.