Available Sharing Rights

The following sharing rights can be granted or denied for individual user groups. To configure sharing rights for user groups, see Configuring Sharing Rights.



Share a view link

Allows users to create and share links with View rights.

Also affects internal sharing by allowing users to select the Share View Link option when they share content with other ShareBase users.

Give link visitors the right to download

Allows users to select the Download option when creating a link with View rights.

This right is available only when Share a view link is set to Yes.

Give link visitors the right to upload

Allows users to select the Upload option when creating a link with View rights.

This right is available only when Share a view link is set to Yes.

Share an edit link

Allows users to create and share links with Edit rights.

Also affects internal sharing by allowing users to select the Share Edit Link option when they share content with other ShareBase users.

This right is available only when Yes is selected for both Give link visitors the right to download and Give link visitors the right to upload.