Content Quotas

Content Quotas determine what types of characters, and how many, must be included in the password.

Require At Least <n> Alphabetic Characters determines how many alphabetic characters (letters) must be included in the user's password. <n> represents the number in this field.

Require At Least <n> Numeric Characters determines how many numeric characters (numbers) must be included in the user's password. <n> represents the number in this field.

Require At Least <n> Special Characters (e.g. *!@.) determines how many special characters must be included in the user's password. <n> represents the number in this field.

Require At Least <n> Uppercase Characters determines how many uppercase (capitalized) characters must be included in the user's password. <n> represents the number in this field.

Require At Least <n> Lowercase Characters determines how many lowercase characters must be included in the user's password. <n> represents the number in this field.

Satisfy At Least <n> Quota Rules determines how many of the above Content Quota rules must be satisfied. <n> represents the number in this field. To require all rules, set this field to 5.


If some content quota rules are set to zero (or blank) and others are set to non-zero values, then Satisfy At Least <n> Quota Rules must be set to 5.