Account Lockout

Account Lockout determines when and how an account is locked out.

Select Lockout After <n> Failed Logins if you would like the account to be locked out after a given number of failed sign-in attempts. When this option is selected, you must enter a value in the text field. <n> represents the number in this field.

Select Lockout After Idle <n> Days if you would like the account to be locked after a given number of days without a sign-in. When this option is selected, you must enter a value in the text field. <n> represents the number in this field.

Select Manual Release by Administrator if you would like accounts to remain locked until an administrator unlocks them.

Select Auto Release After <n> Minutes if you would like accounts to become unlocked without administrator intervention. When this option is selected, you must enter a value in the text field. <n> represents the number in this field.