
Rotation refers to the reuse of passwords. Site Administrators can determine if old passwords can be reused and, if so, when.

Allow Reuse allows users to use previously used passwords again.

Prevent Reuse prevents users from using previously used passwords again.

Prevent Reuse Within <n> Days determines how many days must have elapsed since the password was changed in order to use the password again. <n> represents the number entered in the text field. For example, a value of 15 in this field means 15 days will have to pass since a user's password change until the user can use that password again.

Prevent Reuse Within <n> Changes determines how many password changes must occur until a previously used password can be used again. <n> represents the number entered in the text field. For example, a value of 3 in this field means that 3 password changes will have to occur until the user can use the original password again.