Editing Share Rights

If you have the appropriate rights, you can edit share rights on a document or folder.

To edit share rights for a user or group:

  1. Open the shared document or folder.
  2. In the information pane, click either of the following icons:

    Existing shares may be listed under the following headings:

    • Configured Shares lists the users and user groups who have been granted explicit access to this item.

    • Inherited Shares lists the users and user groups who have inherited access to this item from a shared folder in which the item resides. To edit rights for inherited shares, you must first access the folder from which the share rights are inherited.

  3. Click the desired user or group.
    If you clicked an inherited share, you are taken to the folder from which the share rights are inherited.
  4. Adjust the Rights as needed.
  5. When you are finished making changes, click Update Share.